Source code for trext.db.typemap

from tableausdk.Types import Type

_type = dict()

# MSSQL types
_type['int'] = Type.INTEGER
_type['bigint'] = Type.INTEGER
_type['tinyint'] = Type.INTEGER
_type['smallint'] = Type.INTEGER
_type['bit'] = Type.BOOLEAN
_type['binary'] = Type.CHAR_STRING
_type['char'] = Type.CHAR_STRING
_type['varchar'] = Type.UNICODE_STRING
_type['nvarchar'] = Type.UNICODE_STRING
_type['date'] = Type.DATE
_type['datetime'] = Type.DATETIME
_type['decimal'] = Type.DOUBLE
_type['numeric'] = Type.DOUBLE

# EXAsol types
_type['double'] = Type.DOUBLE
_type['boolean'] = Type.BOOLEAN
_type['timestamp'] = Type.DATETIME

[docs]def get_type(db_type): """ Method to map the database column type to the Tableau SDK Type :param db_type: types that may have length in the declaration eg: CHAR(8) :return: Tableau SDK Type if it exists """ mapped_type = [tm for key, tm in _type.iteritems() if db_type.lower().startswith(key)] if len(mapped_type) == 1: # one match return mapped_type[0] elif len(mapped_type) == 0: # no match return None else: # multiple matches return next(iter(tm for key, tm in _type.iteritems() if db_type.lower() == key), None)
if __name__ == '__main__': print get_type('DECIMAL(18,2)') print get_type('datetime')