Usage Instructions ================== The current version of TRExt works with: - Python 2.7 - pyodbc == 4.0.16 - Tableau SDK <= 10.1.4 (see :ref:`notes`) - EXASol Python SDK >=5.0.13 and <= 5.0.17 Installation of dependencies ---------------------------- You will need to install Tableau SDK and pyodbc as a minimum to use this library. The EXASol library will be needed if you want to connect to EXASol to create an extract. pyodbc `````` PyODBC should be installed when you install TRExt from pip see :ref:`install`. But if you have any issues setting up pyodbc to connect to a database you might find the `PyODBC wiki `_ useful. Tableau SDK Installation ```````````````````````` The documentation for Tableau SDK is available at the `Tableau Documentation `_. The library I have used to develop and test with is available in the `vendor folder `_ and this is only for Linux Distribution. If you prefer to use versions for other Operating systems you can find them `here `_. The installation of the Linux version is as follows: Download the correct `tar.gz` file for Python (32 or 64 bit depending on your OS) and then, .. code-block:: bash $ tar -xzvf Tableau-SDK-Python-Linux-xxBit-10-x-x.tar.gz $ cd /Tableau*/ $ python install EXASol SDK Installation ``````````````````````` Skip to the next section if you do not use EXASol. The EXASol Python SDK can be downloaded from their `Download section `_. We use version 5.0.17 for this version of TRExt but I have also tested on some older versions. Download from Packages and SDK the version you want, preferably in the `tar.gz` format and install as follows, .. code-block:: bash $ tar -xzvf EXASolution_SDK-5.0.xx.tar.gz $ cd /EXASolution_SDK-5.0.xx/Python/ $ python install Additional Setup ---------------- To connect to MSSQL you need to set up the MSSQL driver and driver manager. Installation of the ODBC driver for Linux is available from `Microsoft `_. Instructions on setting up the driver manager to connect to MSSQL is available from `pyodbc `_. Once you have your connection information in `odbc.ini` you should be able to test the connection with the `DSN` parameter using pyodbc. You should get a pyodbc.Connection object if the connection was successful. .. code-block:: bash $ python -c 'import pyodbc; print(pyodbc.connect("DSN=MySQLServerDatabase;UID=username;PWD=password"))' .. _usage: Usage of the api ---------------- Create a TRExt Extract `````````````````````` The TRExt Extract is the interface to the `create` and `publish` methods. Initialise the Extract, .. code-block:: python >>> import trext >>> tde = trext.Extract() Create an extract for MSSQL ``````````````````````````` Assuming that you can connect to the MSSQL server, you can now create a .tde extract using the following, .. code-block:: python >>> conn_string = "DSN=MySQLServerDatabase;UID=username;PWD=password" >>> tde.create("db.schema.table", conn_string=conn_string) Created! Create an extract for EXASol ```````````````````````````` Note here that in the create api we use an extra argument called `dbtype` set to `'exasol'`. This is how TRExt extends to other databases. Currently only MSSQL and EXAsol have been tested. .. code-block:: python >>> conn_string = "DSN=EXAServer" >>> tde.create("db.schema.table", conn_string=conn_string, dbtype='exasol') Created! Location of the extract ``````````````````````` Once you have created the extract and you want to know the location of your extract simply do, .. code-block:: python >>> tde.location /temp/location/of/extract.tde Publish to Tableau Server ````````````````````````` The default behaviour of publish is to overwrite the existing extract. This will be extended in the future versions. .. code-block:: python >>> tableau_auth_details = ("username", "password") >>> publish_details = ("site_content_url", "project_name") >>> tde.publish("tableau server address", auth=tableau_auth_details, params=publish_details) Published! Close the Extract ````````````````` Once you are done creating and/or publishing an extract, perform the `close` operation, .. code-block:: python >>> tde.close() This api ensures that the tde created locally gets destroyed. Publish existing .tde to Tableau Server ``````````````````````````````````````` You can also use this api to publish a local .tde file to the Tableau Server, simply set the location of the TRExt extract to the path of the .tde you want to publish .. code-block:: python >>> tde.location = "local/path/to/extract.tde" >>> tde.publish("tableau server address", auth=tableau_auth_details, params=publish_details) Published! .. _notes: Notes ----- (*) I have not tested to see if Tableau SDK still supports versions 8 and 9 but this code was based on Tableau SDK for Tableau 8; another area that needs testing and improvement for TRExt.